The journey

The journey started in the lab at the University of Gothenburg Sweden

Serial X’s journey started at Professors Richard Neutze’s and Gisela Bränden’s labs in the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden).

Scientists were developing a flow-cell consisting of a capillary in the lab for mixing protein crystals with ligands that could be studied by visible light. They discussed possibilities of using a glass capillary for serial crystallography, however, the bottle-neck was to find a way to mount the flow-cell onto the optics of a synchrotron beamline and flow crystals through it.

They got an idea to make a 3D- printed base that could be assembled with the glass capillary and magnetically attached to the synchrotron optics magnet. That was the light-bulb/ Eureka moment and thus started the innovation in Serial X.

The designs were light weight, could be customized to fit in a synchrotron beamline and printed at bulk quantities. Further, they validated the utility of the flow-cell and showed that they could be alternatives for heavy and expensive injectors available in certain facilities.

After a workable flow-cell was developed, mixing cells and fixed-target platforms based on similar 3D-printed base was designed.

Meet the co-founder

Swagatha Ghosh has a PhD in life sciences from India and has worked for several years at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) as a post doctorate researcher.

She is a biophysicist and works on understanding structures and dynamics of proteins that motivated her to develop Serial X products for researchers in her field.

” I was fascinated by science since my school days. I enjoyed spending time in laboratories looking at chemical reactions, making circuit boards and/or staring at microscope to observe cells and microorganisms.

I was always curious how science could be applied in real life for the benefit of humans and nature. My curiosity led me to continue my journey in scientific research and discoveries. I have been supported by many wonderful people- my teachers, and family and friends- who have motivated and encouraged me to continue in my path.”

 Swagatha is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Nagoya University  in Nagoya, Japan.

The scientists were introduced
to GU Ventures

After the development of the prototypes of the flow-cell, the researchers contacted grant and innovation office at University of Gothenburg for a meeting.

Lorna Fletcher and Anna Popescu responded and agreed to meet. The scientist were introduced to GU Ventures for the first time.

“Our first meeting with Lorna and Anna was quite memorable. They had an in-depth knowledge of our research in biophysics and structural biology. So, when we pitched our idea for serial crystallography devices to them, they encouraged us to build the idea into marketable products.”

– Swagatha Ghosh